Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Interrupting Cat - The Letter H

In sci-fi stories,
there's always
"the ship,"
and now I've got one here, too!

Even though
"the ship"
the infamous
"footstool robot"
steal this one
away from the curious hippos
(and kitty technology!),
I hope you will agree
that my tenuous
to the Challenge guidelines
is maintained!

Connect with other people being less flippant in the A-to-Z Challenge!

(And for those
paying close attention,
the title in today's strip
reads wrong.
Move along.
Move along.)

(But before you do,
the upcoming Q Day
will not only see
The Goat
finally getting his name,
but the footstool robot as well.
Just thought 
you'd love to know!)


PT Dilloway said...

Hocking up hairballs! That's what cats spend a lot of time doing.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You've really wrapped this up in a puzzle.

SpacerGuy said...

It takes a desperate feline to find a way to escape when captured and put on a dog lead.

Kate Larkindale said...

I can't quite get past the image of a hatful of hippos... that would be one big hat!

Unknown said...


mshatch said...

I'll be interested to learn the goat's name.

Unknown said...

Surely this is a site well worth seeing.

Kate OMara said...

better hippos than hippie which is what I first thought... LOL

Tony Laplume said...

Not to offend hippies, but that would be one smelly hat...


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