Friday, April 04, 2014

Interrupting Cat - The Letter D

Friends, I'm a dog lover myself.
I do not endorse Boo's slander.

Although if you are a cat,
you assume the whole world
is out to get you
because it has not already
built you a shrine.

(Flawless Kitty Logic.)

Connect with the rest of the A-to-Z Challenge!


ilima said...

Haha. I'm a dog person too. Just so long as it's not my dog.

Sophie Duncan said...

LOL! I happen to have a dog and a cat and I love them both, but yes, that is definitely cat logic :)
Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles - A to Z Ghosts
Fantasy Boys XXX - A to Z Drabblerotic

Maurice Mitchell said...

I'm a cat lover, so Bob's slander convinced me. Dogs are not to be trusted!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That would be a cat's attitude.

mshatch said...

Ha! That IS flawless cat logic!

Unknown said...

I have a dog named Chuck that when he thinks you're mad at him he rolls on his back and pees at you. I think he has issues.

Anonymous said...

So cat-like. :)

Vikas Khair said...

Nice series, love the cat strip.

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Vikas Khair

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Thank you very much in advance.

Leslie S. Rose said...

Love these daily doses of kitty giggles.


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