Friday, June 08, 2018

Anthony Bourdain's suicide

So, celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain committed suicide.  It's hard not to include him in the ranks of famous deaths more closely associated with rock stars.  That is to say, people maniacally driven by their chosen passion.  Talent seems to eat itself, sometimes.  It becomes inescapable, until one chooses the most impossible escape possible.

Talent can be consuming.  For the people enjoying the fruits of the talent, all they see is the good it brings.  But talent is all-consuming.  It has ferocious demands.  You can't escape it.  You can't walk away.  In fact, anytime you see a case of someone walking away from talent, it's the story of a true survivor.

Suicide always seems incomprehensible on the other side.  How could they have possibly chosen to do that?  Especially when it's someone famous.  People assume famous people have achieved the dream.  Dreams can be nightmares. 

Suicide is something I've thought a lot about over the years.  For nearly fifteen years.  The world is an unfriendly place.  I like to think, sometimes, if I just get to fulfill my dreams...But then something like this happens, and it's a reminder all over again that dreams can be nightmares.  It's an awful thought.  But you need someone who understands, and sometimes that's impossible.  It's awful to be caught alone in this world.

While everyone else mourns Bourdain and finds his decision inexplicable, or uses the opportunity to advocate suicide prevention...I can't help but have other thoughts. 


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

It's just odd to see an older person commit suicide. Younger people are a bundle of uncontrolled emotions. Something else has to drive an older adult to suicide.

SpacerGuy said...

Theres always a trigger we just can't identify at first what sets suicide off and its always very sad. We find out stuff through the celebvine because Hollywood being what it is nothing is sacred anymore and besides fans need to know. Robin Williams was another living a nightmare apparently, success isn't enough it seems to protect anyone.

The Armchair Squid said...

Depression is difficult to relate to for people who have never experienced it. I have been lucky myself but it is a disease my family struggles with. Fame, wealth and success are neither cures nor inoculations.


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